Bulli Surf Life Saving Club

Around The Club


Bronze Medallion & SRC course starting this Sunday

There is a Bronze Medallion & Surf Rescue Certificate course starting this Sunday 2 December at 1pm in the surf club rooms.

All candidates must perform the 200m prerequisite swim prior to undertaking any part of the Surf Rescue Certificate program – 5 minutes or less. You must be 13 years of age on the date of the final assessment. 

All candidates must perform the 400m prerequisite swim prior to undertaking any part of the Bronze Medallion program – 9 minutes or less. You must be 15 years of age on the date of the final assessment 

If any junior parent, member or intending member is interested please make contact with our Club President Keith Caldwell mkcaldwell@bigpond.com prior to this Friday so relevant information can be passed onto the course participants.  


Keith and Maria Caldwell